want to punish you for speaking the truth,
for being correct, for being you.
Never apologize for being correct, or for being
years ahead of your time.
If your right and you know it, speak your mind.
Speak your mind.
Even if you’re a minority of one, the truth is
Still the truth.
Gandhi & GradyAlot of people prefer being lied to rather then being kicked in the head with the truth.....

- Tamara Stjohn ...Hahaha. Two minute offense... LolYesterday at 2:41pm ·
A ndn guy and his winyan (girl) were eating at Pizza Hut when this beautiful young winyan comes over to their table, gives the guy a big open mouthed kiss, then say she'll see him later and walks away.
Wakanka (his old lady) glares at him and says, “Who in the hell was that?
"Oh, " he replies, "She my mistress".
"Well, that's the last straw," Wakanka says, I've had enough, I don’t want to shack up with you anymore."
“I can understand," replies the guy, "but, remember, if you leave me it will mean no more bingo and bowling, no more shopping trips to Wally World, Pamida, no more Alco and the Dollar Store, and no more summers on the pow wow trail….”
“But, the decision is yours.”
Just then one of their Koda’s (friends) comes into the Pizza Hut with a gorgeous winyan on his arm.
"Who's that winyan with Chaske"? Wakanka asks.
"That's his mistress, " he says.
"Ours is prettier,” she replies.
Ok, all you ndn experts I was looking in English-Dakota dictionary, which was written in the 1800's and found this word:
Witkowintipi which means Brothel.
Did the ndns have whorehouses back in those days? Obviously they had to if the word existed.
Jay Grant, Loretta Renville Lineback and Jason Don like this..
Barbara Goen Tipis not houses..
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Shobe Renville Not necesarily, they were probably decribing the wasicu brothels...
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V Keith Tracy They were those multi-level tipis on the rich side of Camp....usually a Tipi Saloon on bottom floor! LmBrothelO
Barbara Goen Bet that's where tipi creepin came from...how did we get the name "tipi" anyways..
Grady Renville They were in their tents and drinking ndn tea and they had to go pee, tipi.
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Maury Franco LOL
Grady Renville Breaking the word down. Witko means crazy. Win means girl/women. And tipi means house/lodge - crazy women house.
Did the ndns have whorehouses back in those days? Obviously they had to if the word existed.
Jay Grant, Loretta Renville Lineback and Jason Don like this..
Barbara Goen Tipis not houses..
Like · 1.
Shobe Renville Not necesarily, they were probably decribing the wasicu brothels...
Like · 1.
V Keith Tracy They were those multi-level tipis on the rich side of Camp....usually a Tipi Saloon on bottom floor! LmBrothelO
Barbara Goen Bet that's where tipi creepin came from...how did we get the name "tipi" anyways..
Grady Renville They were in their tents and drinking ndn tea and they had to go pee, tipi.
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Maury Franco LOL
Grady Renville Breaking the word down. Witko means crazy. Win means girl/women. And tipi means house/lodge - crazy women house.
Casey M. Renville C'mon G u know it was the other way around......ur Shobes bish..lolSaturday at 11:00pm · ·1
V Keith Tracy Oh Siouxzanna....Siouxpernatural..Siouxvreign...Oh Sioux close...Siouxccess...Sioux blime....Siouxperintendant ....Siouxpercalafragalisti c... Saturday at 11:02pm · ·1
- Shy Lone Bear Haha! That one brought a tear to my eye haha.
- Lesley Kampeska Well shit after ur all buzzed who gives a rats ass huh
- Lesley Kampeska Then everyone was still cho as hell..that is just plane uckee..lmao..
- Vine Marks they got more class than some people I know............
- Grady Renville The reason i thought of this story was i went to a fish shop today, my half chip granddaughter brought a fish, so we had to figure out how to feed the fish and change water, etc, anyways they were selling small bullheads and walleyes for like $15 bucks a piece, i dont know how that relates to drinking wine....
- Vine Marks drinking wine n eating bullheads..........a feast, back n da day....eeyah
- Grady Renville My dad joe was half buzzed up and eating bullheads, and he said to Bruce, "hey bullhead you want some more fish....
- Vine Marks port wine dripping on ur white t-shirt, fish crumbs all over ur lap, and the moonlight glistening off ur greasy forehead....those were da days
- Fern Backer NO COMMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUYS
- Grady Renville You know you were there too Fern, maybe not white port but Thunderbird......lol
Fern Backer BEER STRICTLY BEER.HAHAHAHA MAYBE A LITTLE DRAG PEJI. - Vine Marks 'member people saying, "man, that fern can take some looonnngg drags,,eezzz!"
- Vine Marks is this what is known as "oral history"??
- Fern Backer no no i said "a little drag" Geeee.
- Fern Renville, Jay Grant, Denise Flute Keeble and 14 others like this.
Tony Huntington I think ur pretty damn close Grady. I liked the man cuz he saved the RR of SD. Otherwise we wouldn't have them in the state n the 100's n maybe 1000's of jobs with it.- Grady Renville
I actually, indirectly benefited from him when he and the state legislature repealed the usury laws (charging excessive), they did that to encourage several banks to come to Sioux Falls to do their credit card operations. I was one of the 1st payday lenders in South Dakota and there were no payday lending laws, so that gave my own tribe a pretext to call the SD Banking Commission on me to try and close me down for criticising them. Janklow never bothered me personally as an ndn, it was my own ndn people, who took an oath of office "to promote and protect" tribal members who fawked with me.....
- Tony Huntington Wow! That's crazy.Delores Larson like u sed...life goes on... w/o him.
- Grady Renville And, those tribal council men and women who were suppose to "promote and protect" me will also met the same fate as William Janklow.
"You are Marines.
- You're part of a brotherhood.
- From now on until the day you die, wherever you are, every Marine is your brother.
Most of you will go to Vietnam.
- Some of you will not come back.
- But always remember this: Marines die. That's what we're here for. But the Marine Corps lives forever. And that means YOU live forever." Gunnery Sgt. R. Lee Ermey, Full Metal Jacket
- The best and worst time of my life, October 1966 to Nov 1967, as a Navy Corpsmen with the US Marines. I arrived in Chu Lai, near the South China Sea, at a hot dusty air strip, nine hours later the Gooks attacked us with mortars and ground assault, six Marines died and over twenty wounded. I was too new to be scared, it was a surreal experience that someone was out there trying to kill me. (posted 1/13/12)
Anpetu Wi Kechi Ahanape Prayers to your mother for a speedy recover also your family and I hope she is ok. Take care.- Michael LaCroix prayers for kunsi n ur tiwahe deksi for safe travels also
- Heather Grant Prayer's to gramma Naomi....from her family down in Nebraska. I'll give gramma Dorothy a call to let her kno.
- Jay Grant will be praying for grandma....
- Jay Grant grady aunty nancy and grandma dorothy want to know if you have marthas cell #...inbox me if you have it thx...
- LaVoy T. Wakinyansapa PRAYERS N LOTS OF LOVE UNCLE...!
- Lynette Mincks Will be praying. Tell her I love her, she's quite a lady!
- Ariel Williams She's in my prayers unkanna
- Hopa Crawford From the Crawford and DeCoteau family will keep u in our prayers.
- Izola Simon Prayers are being said for healing and travelling mercies...hope all goes well for Naomi.
- Angel Azure You guys are in my prayers..Hope all goes well for her..
- Carole Renville Apold Sorry to hear that.Prayers going out to her.19 hours ago ·
- V Keith Tracy Prayers for her and successful Surgery! Peace
- Finley Jodee :( damm ice
- Jennie Eastman Prayers coming your way
- Barb Kirk gosh, prayers for her to heal quickly!
- Paul Keeble AYES Sorry to hear
- Gerald Amos She will b in my Thoughts and Prayers! And U guys will b too! Love 2 U All!
- Grady Renville no ice, she fell getting out of bed. my mom and i are lactose intolerant, like alot of ndn's, aren't we s'pose to drink milk for strong bones, haven't had a glass of milk in over 50 years, and she's 96, so i guess everything the medical community says isn't true for everybody. i think she still smokes too while she works her crossword puzzle, but, she finally gave up bingo in recent months....
- Kellie Conley HighEagle Prayers for Naomi.
- Angie Marshall You are all in my prayers.
- Loretta Renville Lineback Will keep her in my prayers. Stay strong! (((((HUGS)))))
- Annie Felix Grady keep us updated! Or if Martha needs anything or wants to do anything just inbox me or Butch!! Prayers for speedy recovery!!!
- Vivian Gill-Chasing Hawk Grady I am sorry Naomi is hurting. I truly hope she gets better. Thanks for letting us know. She has been one of the pillars for us. I will be thinking of her.
- Kristen Renville Ojeda :( im sorry grady, im praying for her, shes a very strong woman and it may take a little longer to recouperate but i know she'll pull through...
- Tamara Stjohn I always think that I bet theres not a single family in the triangle that she hasnt helped when hurting or suffering. She deserves the best of care and a speedy recovery.
- Bradley Dean SinteSka our Prayers go out to her for a fast recovery
- Grady Renville My daughter Bub texted and said my mom was having irregular heart beat, so there holding off surgery, that's the latest, thanks everyone for your prayers......
- Fern Renville :(
- Cyndi Grant My sister Cora Freemont and I send our thoughts and prayers to Gma Naomi that she is feeling better soon.
- Kyle J. Fisher Thinking about your mother Grady.....prayers for a speedy recovery.
- Donna Faye Bursheim May God watch over her and keep her strong during this surgery and bless her with a speedy recovery. And may He also bless your family as you travel to be with her all this I pray in Jesus name Amen. Grady you and your family will be in my prayers.
- Sheila Lufkins so sorry! praying for ur mother.
- Tami Seiber hoping for a speedy recovery and she's feeling better real soon!
(Don Miguel Ruiz, a Mexican author)
The First Agreement - That Complete Honesty Should be Valued Above All Else. He acknowledges that at times, the truth will be hurtful to others but that if something must be said, that if it is true it will always be correct. The art of upholding honesty without verbally wounding others lies in knowing when to speak and to be silent. Sometimes, the best thing to say is nothing
The Second Agreement – Don't Take Anything Personally Don Miguel Ruiz’ proclamation that "Nothing others do is because of you. What others do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.” Ruiz speaks of each person playing out a film in their own mind where they are the star, the director, the producer and so on. Everyone else is only a supportive character.
Ruiz goes on to say, “When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.” Basically, anything and everything that a person does or says is a product of their own thought and has nothing to do with others. Their words and actions are formed from their own opinions which have no real effect on others.
The Third Agreement – Don't Make Assumptions Don Miguel Ruiz writes "Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.” This is powerful advice. Ruiz is suggesting that people engage in real communication with honesty. If a person feels that he or she is missing part or all of what is being related to them, they should ask questions until they truly understand.
Ruiz’ words also imply that there is no place for passive aggression. A person should always say what they really want, even if it’s difficult to do so. “Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life." Ruiz writes.
Combined with the first two agreements, the third agreement gives a person the ability to communicate honest needs and intentions to others without fear of ridicule or shame.
The Fourth Agreement – Always Do Your Best Don Miguel Ruiz explains that "Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick.” This thought gives readers the permission to be human, to realize that their personal best will not always be consistent.
Ruiz continues, “Under any circumstances, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret." A person’s best depends greatly on their current state of mind, finances and health. No one can tell another person what is good enough. Each person has the right to decide for themselves whether they have given their all and the responsibility to forgive their own imperfections.
"You'll know you are totally free when you no longer have to be the you that you pretend to be."
Ok, I be the a-hole, how come the SWO Tribes doesn't have funerals days for ALL the oyates?
And, how come just the tribal workers get off?
I thought you all changed your name to Oyate, is not that a INCLUSIVE term.
I dont remember the tribe closing the tribal offices when a Park Ranger type of person dies.
After all does not the tribe solicit money for ALL oyates?
... And millions of dollars are recieved for the more unsica members?
Also, i never heard the tribe close if a off rez member dies and is brought home for burial.
I think its an issue of fairness and living up to what we often hear now days: mitakuya owasin.
Or, is that just a hollow phrase we like to say to impress ourselves that we're something were not.
Kicked my onze out of the tribe, for what?
I didnt rape, rob, murder, or molest anyone, I just
Claimed all my relatives!
Wtf......See More
And, how come just the tribal workers get off?
I thought you all changed your name to Oyate, is not that a INCLUSIVE term.
I dont remember the tribe closing the tribal offices when a Park Ranger type of person dies.
After all does not the tribe solicit money for ALL oyates?
... And millions of dollars are recieved for the more unsica members?
Also, i never heard the tribe close if a off rez member dies and is brought home for burial.
I think its an issue of fairness and living up to what we often hear now days: mitakuya owasin.
Or, is that just a hollow phrase we like to say to impress ourselves that we're something were not.
Kicked my onze out of the tribe, for what?
I didnt rape, rob, murder, or molest anyone, I just
Claimed all my relatives!
Wtf......See More
- Paul Keeble Thats true
- Tony Huntington When i was on RR. Every employee got berevment. 3 days. But...it had to b a direct relative. N u had to bring the funeral paper to ur payroll clerk to get PD. Crazy...but it worked out pretty good
- Sylvana Flute Uh oh Grady! U opened a can of worms on that topic! I agree with u about unfairness. Double-standards. Because our leaders are showing respect yet also showing our youth & people that only some people are worthy. Kinda sad yet they are showing respect because the deceased have a big family involving families, friends, coworkers, students from schools who want to be there for funerals. So many want to go it would interrupt business..no one to man the steering wheel or educational institution. Yet they don't close the casinos when 1 of it's own respected employee dies.What I found sad is many of our veterans never received such honor & they gave service to our country which is highly honorable. Tribe didn't close for all them. A young girl dies, a student, u don't see all the school's staff, students & families, All tribes employees there...funeral was on a Sat. I'm questioning showing all this respect. Simply, some are more important than others & honestly we all know the tribe & schools would never close for some people like a Park Ranger. I think the fair thing to do would be to use leave or admin leave for everyone. as long as there is coverage for business as usual. Casinos do. I know tribes daycare was considered essential & they missed out even on tribal employee christmas & summer parties:/ no one is more important than others...we all feel grief.
- Grady Renville The answer is simple. That's why annual leave/personal time off was created. If you want to go to a funeral use your annual leave. annual leave wasn't just created to see how much you can cash in, it was created for stormy weather, funerals, the kids ball games, etc. My suggestion would be that the tribe lower the tribal flag at half staff when a oyate is buried, and the varous drum groups should take turns and sing an honor song in front of the tribal office on the day of the funeral. Simple solution, but, nobody out there is thinking about solutions, just their next pay checks. that's my opiniion of course.
- Grady Renville Of course, the drums groups would wanna be paid, but that should be the obligation of the family, and it should be totally optional, maybe some oyates don't care if there's a little "ceremony" in front of the tribal office. As you know some oyates are more "tradish" then others. But, in all cases the tribal flag should fly at half-staff for all the oyates, Rangers, and non-rangers, off rez members, and on rez members, tradish, non-tradish alike....
- Jenny Patrice DuMarce I agree with you grady. My dad is a veteran and i always wonder to myself, will they do that for my dad. Or do you got to have the right connections in oder for it to happen? We all need to realize that no one is better or anything. We are all going to lose someone special and very dear. We as a oyate need to stick together and stop mistreating eachother badly. Weather we are alcoholics, drug addicts, CHOMOS OR WHAT ever else. But you do got a good point there. And it all makes sense.
- Jenny Renville-Payne Yes Grady I totally agree. No disrespect to anybody but I think fair is fair. Do you really think the whole tribe will go the funerals? I don't it's just another paid vacations for them. Remember when one of our fellow officers lost his whole family (5) to a drunk drive. The tribe did not close down for that but what can a person or ppl do or say that will change things. It's a hope and pray game with our tribe. One day they will wise up but I don't see that happening anytime soon maybe when we lose everything they will wonder what the hell happen? Who will take the blame then
Grady Renville @ Tara, member we were talking about this the other day, this is what i mean, I'm just exercising my ndn sense of humor.....well, at least i got a chuckle out of it and if you all did that's good, ennit?
- Friday at 12:56pm
- Mary Cook Now we know where Grady's happy place is!
- Tracy N Leslie Heminger Grady's happy place is under his buffalo robe with his woman, or women....Tipi Dreams!!
- Fern Renville Lol
- Fern Backer very gd story.hahahaha
posted on facebook, sunday Febrary 26, 2012
Like it or not SW Oyates the reason you have a reservation today is that on this day in 1863, Gabriel Renville and 36 other half-breeds and full bloods rode out of Ft. Snelling to serve as scouts.
Eventually 200 Sisseton and Wahpetons would serve as scout.
As a result on Feb. 19, 1867 a 918,770 acre reservation was created.
Mitakuye owasin, and I really mean it.
Eventually 200 Sisseton and Wahpetons would serve as scout.
As a result on Feb. 19, 1867 a 918,770 acre reservation was created.
Mitakuye owasin, and I really mean it.