"Heres to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes.  The ones who sees things differently.  They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo.  You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or villify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things.  They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do."  (Steve Jobs/Grady Renville)

Many people, especially ignorant people
want to punish you for speaking the truth,

for being correct, for being you.
Never apologize for being correct, or for being
years ahead of your time.
If your right and you know it, speak your mind.
Speak your mind.
Even if you’re a minority of one, the truth is
Still the truth.
Gandhi & Grady

Alot of people prefer being lied to rather then being kicked in the head with the truth.....

There was this ndn guy who was buck naked running down the street in minneapolis and the cops stopped him and threw him in the cop car and said "chief you better have a good reason for being naked."
The ndn guys I was going to the store to get sum cigs and a pop when his real sharp white chick asked me if I wanted to ride around, I said ok, then she got sum beer and we parked near lake calhoun, she spreads a blanket on the ground and starts taking off her clothes and tells me to lay beside her and take off my clothes so I do.  Then she says, "You can go to town now."

So officers thats why I was running down this street buck naked."

When Vikings Jared Allen set a record on QB sacks it reminded me that when I was a young buck I lead the Oyates in getting winyans sacked...
Kyle J. Fisher, Victoria Abraham, Marcus Roy and 3 others like this.

A ndn guy and his winyan (girl) were eating at Pizza Hut when this beautiful young winyan comes over to their table, gives the guy a big open mouthed kiss, then say she'll see him later and walks away.
Wakanka (his old lady) glares at him and says, “Who in the hell was that?
"Oh, " he replies, "She my mistress".
"Well, that's the last straw," Wakanka says, I've had enough, I don’t want to shack up with you anymore."
“I can understand," replies the guy, "but, remember, if you leave me it will mean no more bingo and bowling, no more shopping trips to Wally World, Pamida, no more Alco and the Dollar Store, and no more summers on the pow wow trail….”
“But, the decision is yours.”
Just then one of their Koda’s (friends) comes into the Pizza Hut with a gorgeous winyan on his arm.
"Who's that winyan with Chaske"? Wakanka asks.
"That's his mistress, " he says.
"Ours is prettier,” she replies.

Ok, all you ndn experts I was looking in English-Dakota dictionary, which was written in the 1800's and found this word:

Witkowintipi which means Brothel.

Did the ndns have whorehouses back in those days?  Obviously they had to if the word existed.

Jay Grant, Loretta Renville Lineback and Jason Don like this..
Barbara Goen Tipis not houses..
Like · 1.

Shobe Renville Not necesarily, they were probably decribing the wasicu brothels...
Like · 1.

V Keith Tracy They were those multi-level tipis on the rich side of Camp....usually a Tipi Saloon on bottom floor! LmBrothelO

Barbara Goen Bet that's where tipi creepin came did we get the name "tipi" anyways..

Grady Renville They were in their tents and drinking ndn tea and they had to go pee, tipi.
Like · 2.

Like · 2.

Maury Franco LOL

Grady Renville Breaking the word down. Witko means crazy. Win means girl/women. And tipi means house/lodge - crazy women house.

NDN word of the day:   Bishop.

My winyan was drunk and fell down so I had to pick the bishop..

 Elizabeth D Brown, Victoria Abraham, Connie Mor and 16 others like this.

    • Saturday at 10:44pm ·

    • Saturday at 10:45pm · · 1

    • Saturday at 10:47pm ·

    • Casey M. Renville C'mon G u know it was the other way around......ur Shobes
      Saturday at 11:00pm · · 1

    • V Keith Tracy Oh Siouxzanna....Siouxpernatural..Siouxvreign...Oh Sioux close...Siouxccess...Siouxblime....Siouxperintendant....Siouxpercalafragalistic...
      Saturday at 11:02pm · · 1
    Ndn word of the day: Obama
    "I bought a Ring of Red and a loaf of bread and ate it all obama self."
     Tri-Polar White, Roger Renville, Tara Backer and 8 others like this.
    Ndn word of the day: Decide  
    My winyan be talking like she luvs me when I got some mazaska, but everybody knows she's got a couple of other dudes on decide.
    Mayvonne Crawford, Denise Flute Keeble, Harold One Feather and 3 others like this.
      • Thomas Baine Wilson when is the ndn word of the day gonna be Fasinate?
        Sunday at 11:27pm ·

      • Grady Renville my Omaha relative Health Grant (her grandma is a Wanna) provides these and i sissytown them. @ Heather winyan is girl or women, mazaska is money. @ TB (Tired Buck) Wilson i will use that word....
        Sunday at 11:36pm · · 1
    • Lately i've been thinking about my experiences in Nam and this evening there was a segment on 60 minutes, about brothers who served in the same Marine units in Iraq and Afganistan. I was a navy corpsmen (medic) attached to various marine units of the 1st Marine Division. I did not know the Marines had german shepherds they used as scout dogs for patrolling and sentry dogs for guard duty, both dog...s would tear you a new onze if they could, the only Marines who could get around them was their Marine Handlers. One night i had to get a wounded Marine dog handler and the sunka won't let me get near him, so we sat in the dark for several hours until they were able to get another dog handler. The Marine had the sunka on a chain, but that sunka was growling at me the whole time, i had my .45 cocked just in case I had to shoot the dam sunka if the Marine passed out. Good night Chesty where ever you are....
     Mayvonne Crawford, Lenore King, Tri-Polar White and 4 others like this.

      • Barbara Goen I enjoy your stories puts me there a lot of times..just like when we get zoned when reading a book..can't put it down..(even tho I hate to read books)
        Sunday at 11:12pm ·

      • Lesley Kampeska I.Dont know what u guys had to go thew b
        Sunday at 11:37pm ·

      • Grady Renville Dark Time you still awake, go pee, go bed....
        Sunday at 11:38pm ·

        Sunday at 11:55pm ·

      • Grady Renville Kocha, some wicasta wanna take you to da sack, sheee it, you aint gonna resist, be all cheezy and hickey up next day...
        Yesterday at 12:35am ·

      • Lesley Kampeska YEAH ONE BIG PURPLE ONE TOO-BOOT..AAA.
    NDN word of the day:  Senuous   - "Senuous up could you get me another piece of fry bread."     
    NDN word of the day: Fascinate - Wakanka's (the old lady) blouse has 10 buttons but she can only fascinate.....
    One time a bunch of nativo wino's were drinking a half a G of white port and eating fishing, after the bottle went around a couple of times, they had to close their eyes so they won't have to look at the floaters...
    Theron Thompson, Shy Lone Bear and Mason Kohl like this.

      • Shy Lone Bear yyuuucccckkk lmao!
      • Shy Lone Bear Haha! That one brought a tear to my eye haha.
      • Lesley Kampeska Well shit after ur all buzzed who gives a rats ass huh
      • Grady Renville Well geez Dark Time some wino's got class....
      • Lesley Kampeska Then everyone was still cho as hell..that is just plane uckee..lmao..
      • Vine Marks they got more class than some people I know............
      • Grady Renville The reason i thought of this story was i went to a fish shop today, my half chip granddaughter brought a fish, so we had to figure out how to feed the fish and change water, etc, anyways they were selling small bullheads and walleyes for like $15 bucks a piece, i dont know how that relates to drinking wine....
      • Vine Marks drinking wine n eating bullheads..........a feast, back n da day....eeyah
      • Grady Renville My dad joe was half buzzed up and eating bullheads, and he said to Bruce, "hey bullhead you want some more fish....
      • Vine Marks port wine dripping on ur white t-shirt, fish crumbs all over ur lap, and the moonlight glistening off ur greasy forehead....those were da days
      • Fern Backer NO COMMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUYS
      • Grady Renville You know you were there too Fern, maybe not white port but
      • Vine Marks ‎'member people saying, "man, that fern can take some looonnngg drags,,eezzz!"
      • Vine Marks is this what is known as "oral history"??
      • Fern Backer no no i said "a little drag" Geeee.
    Thinking about the passing of "wild bill" Janklow, just my opinion, i would say half of south dakota white people are neutral toward native americans, they got their own problems, about 1/4 really care about us, and about 1/4 dont care for ndns, and i think that stems in good part from tribal lands being non-taxable, a right that the US govt gave the ndn in exchange for the millions of acres of land they outright stole/treated away from our ancestors. whatever his personal reasons were Janklow's political career was funded and motivated by the 1/4th ndn haters of the state. He and his legacy is now history. And life goes on.....
     (posted 1/13/12)
    • Fern Renville, Jay Grant, Denise Flute Keeble and 14 others like this.

      • Tony Huntington I think ur pretty damn close Grady. I liked the man cuz he saved the RR of SD. Otherwise we wouldn't have them in the state n the 100's n maybe 1000's of jobs with it.
      • Grady Renville

        I actually, indirectly benefited from him when he and the state legislature repealed the usury laws (charging excessive), they did that to encourage several banks to come to Sioux Falls to do their credit card operations. I was one of the 1st payday lenders in South Dakota and there were no payday lending laws, so that gave my own tribe a pretext to call the SD Banking Commission on me to try and close me down for criticising them. Janklow never bothered me personally as an ndn, it was my own ndn people, who took an oath of office "to promote and protect" tribal members who fawked with me.....

      • Tony Huntington Wow! That's crazy.
        Delores Larson like u goes on... w/o him.
      • Grady Renville Usury - Excessive interest
      • Grady Renville And, those tribal council men and women who were suppose to "promote and protect" me will also met the same fate as William Janklow.

      "You are Marines.
      You're part of a brotherhood.
      From now on until the day you die, wherever you are, every Marine is your brother.
      Most of you will go to Vietnam.
      Some of you will not come back.
      But always remember this: Marines die. That's what we're here for. But the Marine Corps lives forever. And that means YOU live forever." Gunnery Sgt. R. Lee Ermey, Full Metal Jacket
        The best and worst time of my life, October 1966 to Nov 1967, as a Navy Corpsmen with the US Marines.  I arrived in Chu Lai, near the South China Sea, at a hot dusty air strip, nine hours later the Gooks attacked us with mortars and ground assault, six Marines died and over twenty wounded.  I was too new to be scared, it was a surreal experience that someone was out there trying to kill me.  (posted 1/13/12)
            NDN word of the day: Go getter. A guy who doesn't have a job, but go gets his winyan (girl/women) from her work...

              • Anpetu Wi Kechi Ahanape LOL I'll refrain from referencing myself as a go getta now. To funny
              • Grady Renville Used in a sentence: "Chaske is a real go getter" Or, my wicasta (man) is a real go getter......
                Yesterday at 10:21am ·

              • Tamara Stjohn one of the day so far!!!!
              • Lesley Kampeska Thats a really good one,but its true half of the guys on the rez must think thats cho as hell.too-boot some even brag about it..and little do they know there just showing how big of an asshole they u at the camp yet..
              • Grady Renville Lol, r u @ the camp, Dark Time?
                Yesterday at 12:59pm

              • Lesley Kampeska No not yet..still counting my penny's. by the way what we try to get..
                Grady Renville High Gravity, dont b tryin to change up on us, Rangers only drink HG, u no dat....
              • Lesley Kampeska OH Shit i thought we was trying for a halfer..shit HG'S dont u think there would be enough for everyone with a is that just enough for me & u at?..
                Yesterday at 2:45pm

              • Grady Renville walking to pimida with cork-ass, i mean corky.....
              • Lesley Kampeska Do u have enough for some leaving the hospital..
          My mother Naomi Renville, she will be 96 years old in April, fell and broke her femur, she was taken to Fargo via ambulance, Martha is on her way up there, will keep mitakuya owasins posted.

            • Anpetu Wi Kechi Ahanape Prayers to your mother for a speedy recover also your family and I hope she is ok. Take care.
            • Michael LaCroix prayers for kunsi n ur tiwahe deksi for safe travels also
            • Heather Grant Prayer's to gramma Naomi....from her family down in Nebraska. I'll give gramma Dorothy a call to let her kno.
            • Jay Grant will be praying for grandma....
            • Jay Grant grady aunty nancy and grandma dorothy want to know if you have marthas cell #...inbox me if you have it thx...
            • LaVoy T. Wakinyansapa PRAYERS N LOTS OF LOVE UNCLE...!
            • Lynette Mincks Will be praying. Tell her I love her, she's quite a lady!
            • Ariel Williams She's in my prayers unkanna
            • Hopa Crawford From the Crawford and DeCoteau family will keep u in our prayers.
            • Izola Simon Prayers are being said for healing and travelling mercies...hope all goes well for Naomi.
            • Angel Azure You guys are in my prayers..Hope all goes well for her..
            • Carole Renville Apold Sorry to hear that.Prayers going out to her.
              19 hours ago ·

            • Terri Crawford Prayers sent your way
            • V Keith Tracy Prayers for her and successful Surgery! Peace
            • Finley Jodee ‎:( damm ice
            • Jennie Eastman Prayers coming your way
            • Barb Kirk gosh, prayers for her to heal quickly!
            • Paul Keeble AYES Sorry to hear
            • Gerald Amos She will b in my Thoughts and Prayers! And U guys will b too! Love 2 U All!
            • Grady Renville no ice, she fell getting out of bed. my mom and i are lactose intolerant, like alot of ndn's, aren't we s'pose to drink milk for strong bones, haven't had a glass of milk in over 50 years, and she's 96, so i guess everything the medical community says isn't true for everybody. i think she still smokes too while she works her crossword puzzle, but, she finally gave up bingo in recent months....
            • Kellie Conley HighEagle Prayers for Naomi.
            • Angie Marshall You are all in my prayers.
            • Loretta Renville Lineback Will keep her in my prayers. Stay strong! (((((HUGS)))))
            • Annie Felix Grady keep us updated! Or if Martha needs anything or wants to do anything just inbox me or Butch!! Prayers for speedy recovery!!!
            • Lesley Kampeska I'M SORRY TO HEAR THAT..I'LL BE PRAYING FOR HER..
            • Vivian Gill-Chasing Hawk Grady I am sorry Naomi is hurting. I truly hope she gets better. Thanks for letting us know. She has been one of the pillars for us. I will be thinking of her.
            • Kristen Renville Ojeda ‎:( im sorry grady, im praying for her, shes a very strong woman and it may take a little longer to recouperate but i know she'll pull through...
            • Tamara Stjohn I always think that I bet theres not a single family in the triangle that she hasnt helped when hurting or suffering. She deserves the best of care and a speedy recovery.
            • Bradley Dean SinteSka our Prayers go out to her for a fast recovery
            • Grady Renville My daughter Bub texted and said my mom was having irregular heart beat, so there holding off surgery, that's the latest, thanks everyone for your prayers......
            • Cyndi Grant My sister Cora Freemont and I send our thoughts and prayers to Gma Naomi that she is feeling better soon.
            • Kyle J. Fisher Thinking about your mother Grady.....prayers for a speedy recovery.
            • Donna Faye Bursheim May God watch over her and keep her strong during this surgery and bless her with a speedy recovery. And may He also bless your family as you travel to be with her all this I pray in Jesus name Amen. Grady you and your family will be in my prayers.
            • Sheila Lufkins so sorry! praying for ur mother.
            • Tami Seiber hoping for a speedy recovery and she's feeling better real soon!
          (Don Miguel Ruiz, a Mexican author)
          The First Agreement - That Complete Honesty Should be Valued Above All Else. He acknowledges that at times, the truth will be hurtful to others but that if something must be said, that if it is true it will always be correct. The art of upholding honesty without verbally wounding others lies in knowing when to speak and to be silent. Sometimes, the best thing to say is nothing
          The Second Agreement – Don't Take Anything Personally Don Miguel Ruiz’ proclamation that "Nothing others do is because of you. What others do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.” Ruiz speaks of each person playing out a film in their own mind where they are the star, the director, the producer and so on. Everyone else is only a supportive character.
          Ruiz goes on to say, “When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.” Basically, anything and everything that a person does or says is a product of their own thought and has nothing to do with others. Their words and actions are formed from their own opinions which have no real effect on others.
          The Third Agreement – Don't Make Assumptions Don Miguel Ruiz writes "Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.” This is powerful advice. Ruiz is suggesting that people engage in real communication with honesty. If a person feels that he or she is missing part or all of what is being related to them, they should ask questions until they truly understand.
          Ruiz’ words also imply that there is no place for passive aggression. A person should always say what they really want, even if it’s difficult to do so. “Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life." Ruiz writes.
          Combined with the first two agreements, the third agreement gives a person the ability to communicate honest needs and intentions to others without fear of ridicule or shame.
          The Fourth Agreement – Always Do Your Best Don Miguel Ruiz explains that "Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick.” This thought gives readers the permission to be human, to realize that their personal best will not always be consistent.
          Ruiz continues, “Under any circumstances, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret." A person’s best depends greatly on their current state of mind, finances and health. No one can tell another person what is good enough. Each person has the right to decide for themselves whether they have given their all and the responsibility to forgive their own imperfections.
          "You'll know you are totally free when you no longer have to be the you that you pretend to be."

        Ok, I be the a-hole, how come the SWO Tribes doesn't have funerals days for ALL the oyates?
        And, how come just the tribal workers get off?
        I thought you all changed your name to Oyate, is not that a INCLUSIVE term.
        I dont remember the tribe closing the tribal offices when a Park Ranger type of person dies.
        After all does not the tribe solicit money for ALL oyates?
        ... And millions of dollars are recieved for the more unsica members?
        Also, i never heard the tribe close if a off rez member dies and is brought home for burial.
        I think its an issue of fairness and living up to what we often hear now days: mitakuya owasin.
        Or, is that just a hollow phrase we like to say to impress ourselves that we're something were not.
        Kicked my onze out of the tribe, for what?
        I didnt rape, rob, murder, or molest anyone, I just
        Claimed all my relatives!
        See More
         (posted 1/17/12)

          • V Keith Tracy I'll join your tribe in a Heartbeat!
          • Paul Keeble Thats true
          • Sylvana Flute Uh oh Grady! U opened a can of worms on that topic! I agree with u about unfairness. Double-standards. Because our leaders are showing respect yet also showing our youth & people that only some people are worthy. Kinda sad yet they are showing respect because the deceased have a big family involving families, friends, coworkers, students from schools who want to be there for funerals. So many want to go it would interrupt one to man the steering wheel or educational institution. Yet they don't close the casinos when 1 of it's own respected employee dies.What I found sad is many of our veterans never received such honor & they gave service to our country which is highly honorable. Tribe didn't close for all them. A young girl dies, a student, u don't see all the school's staff, students & families, All tribes employees there...funeral was on a Sat. I'm questioning showing all this respect. Simply, some are more important than others & honestly we all know the tribe & schools would never close for some people like a Park Ranger. I think the fair thing to do would be to use leave or admin leave for everyone. as long as there is coverage for business as usual. Casinos do. I know tribes daycare was considered essential & they missed out even on tribal employee christmas & summer parties:/ no one is more important than others...we all feel grief.
          • Grady Renville The answer is simple. That's why annual leave/personal time off was created. If you want to go to a funeral use your annual leave. annual leave wasn't just created to see how much you can cash in, it was created for stormy weather, funerals, the kids ball games, etc. My suggestion would be that the tribe lower the tribal flag at half staff when a oyate is buried, and the varous drum groups should take turns and sing an honor song in front of the tribal office on the day of the funeral. Simple solution, but, nobody out there is thinking about solutions, just their next pay checks. that's my opiniion of course.
          • Grady Renville Of course, the drums groups would wanna be paid, but that should be the obligation of the family, and it should be totally optional, maybe some oyates don't care if there's a little "ceremony" in front of the tribal office. As you know some oyates are more "tradish" then others. But, in all cases the tribal flag should fly at half-staff for all the oyates, Rangers, and non-rangers, off rez members, and on rez members, tradish, non-tradish alike....
          • Jenny Patrice DuMarce I agree with you grady. My dad is a veteran and i always wonder to myself, will they do that for my dad. Or do you got to have the right connections in oder for it to happen? We all need to realize that no one is better or anything. We are all going to lose someone special and very dear. We as a oyate need to stick together and stop mistreating eachother badly. Weather we are alcoholics, drug addicts, CHOMOS OR WHAT ever else. But you do got a good point there. And it all makes sense.
          • Jenny Renville-Payne Yes Grady I totally agree. No disrespect to anybody but I think fair is fair. Do you really think the whole tribe will go the funerals? I don't it's just another paid vacations for them. Remember when one of our fellow officers lost his whole family (5) to a drunk drive. The tribe did not close down for that but what can a person or ppl do or say that will change things. It's a hope and pray game with our tribe. One day they will wise up but I don't see that happening anytime soon maybe when we lose everything they will wonder what the hell happen? Who will take the blame then
        My tipi is warm inside, the buffalo's I shot this summer are now soft furs that I am relaxing on, the winyans are scrampering about, all trying their best to please me, and vying to lay by me tonight.
        I must admit Life is hard at times, but overall its great being an ndn....

          • Grady Renville ‎@ Tara, member we were talking about this the other day, this is what i mean, I'm just exercising my ndn sense of humor.....well, at least i got a chuckle out of it and if you all did that's good, ennit?
             Misty Fawn Begay hi grady!
          • Friday at 12:56pm 

          • Tara Backer I did notice that, and it made me laugh too actually picturing this in my head... lol
          • Mary Cook Now we know where Grady's happy place is!
          • Tracy N Leslie Heminger Grady's happy place is under his buffalo robe with his woman, or women....Tipi Dreams!!
          • Fern Backer very gd story.hahahaha

         posted on facebook, sunday Febrary 26, 2012

        Like it or not SW Oyates the reason you have a reservation today is that on this day in 1863, Gabriel Renville and 36 other half-breeds and full bloods rode out of Ft. Snelling to serve as scouts.

        Eventually 200 Sisseton and Wahpetons would serve as scout.

        As a result on Feb. 19, 1867 a 918,770 acre reservation was created.

        Mitakuye owasin, and I really mean it.

          • Grady Renville ‎918,770.52 acre reservation.

            22 years later 3 government agents on December 12, 1889, convinced 209 sisseton and wahpetons to sign away over 600,000 acres.

          • Dave Flute Grady Grady ever watch sunday nfl countdown???? Well, I got throw the bullshit flag and telll ya, "COME ON MAN" This is NOT why we have a reservation, might be a small part why we do, but isn't the entire reason we here.....we alllllll now the paper history, and that sometimes isn't valid....ORAL history is more valid in our DAKOTA way of life....Wasicu will believe a piece of paper, what your grandfather did MAY have been, a part, of how this reservation was established, but you have to look at how we got this triangle res, when it was suppose to be a rectangle, and whose watch was that on???? Gabrielle and his scouts..... this is true, it is suppose to be a rectangle enclosed have to look at when they got these guys fucked up on booze and MADE them sign as scouts, that's wrong dude!!! know it is Grady, and I'm only telling you this because I am a MASTER when it comes to Dakota History....MASTER, not a PHD just becareful you don't go boasting to much about Gab R.....there are other things that he did that aren't so honorable, and there isn't just one or two stories, I've heard many, I'd share with you sometime, some are good stories, there are, but some aren't so when people like to talk about history, and I myself have lived this for 40 years, when I didn't see half these guys believing in or living this dakota way of life, they all of a sudden read a book and now they hold PHD's in dakota history....hiye, wicawakyesni do!!!....hiye, hecetusni.....miye, MIYE sdodwaye do!!! You want to know what I know? all you got to do is ask, I love sharing what I know with people, so as to get the story right, sometimes bits and pieces get left out, and that's where I like to fill the rest in.....need to tell it all Grady, not just bits and pieces....I've read his testimony, and his brother Micheal, I read other documents, I've heard the oral history, I've looked for information myself, I've visited the OLD OLD ones in Canada....and you cannot leave them out....they hold very informatinve pieces of history....some I have yet to hear.....but you still my koda Grady, you still my brother in arms. anpetu waste yuha to you and Shob. hau
          • Grady Renville Your wrong, you dont know our history like you think you do....
          • Dave Flute hahahahahaha...grady I even know my mothes history from iseral.....let me know when you in town....we go get some coffee someplace...piece of pie....:)
          • Grady Renville Good, i will fill in the history gaps...
          • Dave Flute lol....ok
          • Francis Simon Actually the reason is that in 1862 some traditional chiefs-headmen didnt join Little Crow and rescued and protected some whites, as stated in the first paragraph of that treaty.
          • Grady Renville And they were still rounded up and incarcerated at ft snelling.
            Read "Through Dakota Eyes.""
            It was not a popular choice to be a scout, i suppose each of the 200 s & w scouts had their own reasons.
            Landless, homeless, desperate, without hope there were few options.
            But, back to my point, rescusing white people was a part of it but ultimately the scout service was the main reason, and thats why i opened my comment with the statement, "like it or not.."

          • Cody Toutges I wanna sit down with you old guys and do some learning. Right now the best i got is facebook and listening to what Grady has to put out there.
          • Francis Simon Actually the "roundup" or turning over treaty-breakers was terms of the previous treaty and their actions could be construed as keeping the former treaty.
          • Dave Flute they were living in a time that they weren't ready obviously they each had personal choices they made.....however, IF you know our history....then you will know that back then, although MEN may have had their personal say, they usually, MOST of the time, held council, thus those that wanted to fight the US Govt did.....and those that wanted to cut their hair and live by the farming method choose to do so.....look at some of the 38 that were hung....some of those guys were half breeds....they choose to fight rather than to surrender, rather than to be scouts for the Govt....and some of those people didn't write books, they told the oral, original way of passing down history, and that's doesn't always match up with what it written by white people....even our own dakota people today make up so many stories .....ed red owl is prime example.....him and mike....always change history to make it sound good....hiye, i said yesterday, "if you going to say you a dakota, then damnit you better start being one, not an APPLE! hoka hey. you have to consider allllllll history my friends....alllllll accounts, not just paper.
          • Grady Renville I wrote to the sota on these same topics, and the white editor strongly urged that i not, so i withdrew them and put them onnmy blog that i am developing
            I dont expect very one to agree with my opinions, but dave, cody, we all have been in war zones, and i think we/i earned my right to an opinion.
            Like i said a thousand times, opinions are like assholes, we all got one.

          • Dave Flute I'm glad Grady posted his ORIGINAL for serious....I respect you Grady....I do....and yes, we all got here, ya know, you have to ask yourself, regardless what happend in history, we are here today, you , me Grady, and what you said Grady I appreciate, "MITAKUYE OWASIN"...for me it has more meaning that just " all my relations" is one of the oldest things you can say in our culture, mitakuye's honorable, and shows respect to not just fellow man, but the universe....and we still have our culture, language, dance and song, games, etc....regardless what disfunctions the govt layed on us, regardless who was sided with who, and we know from both oral and written history that our people were divided....kind of like how we still are today....and although it is good to discuss history, we all need to be sure and understand that neither Gab, or little crow, or standing buffalo or any of them, regardless what their disagreements were amongst themselves, it is teh US govt that is to blame.....they are!!!! and they are the ones that need to answer to us, they are the ones that need to correct their horrible actions against all of our dakota Grady, I even know your grandfathers song.....I do....I put it on tape for you sometime...unless you have it already....I honestly don't think any but maybe danny seaboy, might knwo his song....but I do. I record it for you sometime....and it's a good song, honorable, so that's why I don't go to hard on Gab R.....I just saying there is more history than any of us can know.....but it is good to discuss, and share, and hoka hey.
          • Grady Renville As the wisicu likes to say, in the final analysis, there is nothing that we can change, the good, bad and ugly part of our history. In pivotal times in our history, the war of 1862 and accepting the general allotment act the swo was his own worst enemy. We still our, and thats my point, maybe, just maybe, when we understand that, and not some romantic view, we will learn to quit being our own worst enemy and quit fucking with each other.
            Look around, it aint the white people fucking with us, its us fucking with each other, then what gets my ass is we start meetings with Hau mitakuye owasin.
            As my cuz irene likes to say they make my ass laugh.

          • Dave Flute I agree with you on that one. I only said us govt is to blame is becasue if you look at history prior to 1862, we were pretty much in harmony with everything.....we were....we didn't always fight the ponca, pawnee, chippewa....we didn' was us. govt that divided us....we do need to quit bashing the shit out of our ownselves....but how when we got leaders making these wacked out decisions....this is where we need to form, organize, and show the world we as indians CAN come together.....look at what my district going through....come on man!!!! ya the hell am I suppose to NOT be upset, NOT want to bash the people who misused our money????'s tough. I was sick to my guts last night...couldn't sleep....and I ain't got my hands in any of it.....but i do have friends, a brother, it's sickening....absolutely sickening!!!! but that's why I need people like you, and you, and you....need to encourage us down here to do what has to be done....maybe other districts will try follow suit....idk....making me sick all over again.....yuck!
          • Grady Renville Last but not least, be careful before before you condemn the scouts there were 200 of them and one of them might be your ancestor and the reason we have a reservation...

            As the ndns of old use to say:

            "I have spoken."

            Hau Mitakuye owasin, and i really mean it, not the fakey shit that comes out of tribal HQ..

          • Dave Flute hau, he nawahon do, wicawake. pidamaya
          • Travis OneRoad Well in honor of that history and in honor of gabe and rest of SWO scout history im going to Leave the triangle and scout just over the hills and across the lakes and down the river and continue the search for the golden buffalo of prosperity. I'll bring some back when i find it I promise!
          • Tamara Stjohn I wanna have coffee too...-school you both...hahahaha just kidding... I enjoy a good discussion on our history...and clearly Mr Flute and Mr Renville, you do too. I do have to say that the history of 1862 is complex and its impossible for me to look at it all and not see the other sides. Such as this. After reading the Court of Claims Documents its is clear to me that much of what occurs subsequent to the removal of the Dakota is based on survival. The writings to the Governement in effort to form the Sisseton reservation were centered around the Scouts...and within those letters are things I would have to say as a descendant of a scout, Im not very proud of....the killing of our own... If one looks at those letters and the language, one would think the reservation was built for the scouts...but the truth might be that there was a group of DAkota..those that found there way to this area...either had been in the north or those that stayed near Lake Trverse as they always had previously...laid low and trying to survive...
          • Tamara Stjohn it was determined that somethign needed to be done for them...the legislation in 1865 acknowledged that there were groups of Dakota and something needed to be done. That legislation acknowledges the group but not as Scouts. There are the other groups as well..those at Crow Creek and those that remain in prisoned or those that stayed in Minnesota
          • Tamara Stjohn at one point it is determined by a report of Schubel P Adams that those in the are of Big Stone are to be grouped with those in the area of Ft Wadsworth. And of course in the time of 65 there are letters about how our people were coming back from the north..joining family in this area...had to be vouched for to stay here. AT the time of this push for a place...there is an outcry about what is being done about Crow Creek..and the fulfilling of the 63 act. That Crow Creek is not a place for land or agriculture..and they are trying to find a place in Niobrara... Some of the original idea must have been that we all be west of the river...just my opinion... the push on us all is clear...our Lakota relatives...with the Great Sioux Treaty of 68...that is why there are Dakota who sign at the Ft Laramie Treaty....they had no where to go
          • Grady Renville I write about these things because this is the 150 anniversary of the war of 1862, FYI, tamara knows this, the minnesota historical society created a 1862 Coordinator poistion and hired a Objiway lady, now wtf, but thats why i choose to take on this aspect of our history. We can all agree that we can't do anything about our past history, and by the way I am no one of those who say if we dont know our history we are bound to repeat it. But, i would like to lay it all out there for our scrutiny, the good bad and ugly. Yes, our history is tied to the white man insatiable desire for our land, but its time to quit blaming the white man and work together to make a better future for our children. Clean up the corruption, allow ALL oyates to vote and run for office, repeal the stupid blood quantum and dual enrollment ideas. And here's my favorite come back to mni sota makoce and build a casino in downtown minneapolis....
          • Tamara Stjohn ‎...I concur... and yes, lord knows Im sick of being
          • Grady Renville But, because the ten tribal council doesn't know their history, they let Shakopee own us and our sovereighty, they aint got the sense or balls to go visit governor dayton and tell him that we once own Minneapolis and the Sisseton and Wahpeton have as such right o build a casino in the twin city as the mdewakanton imposters. In the meantime the White Earth Chips were at the Mn. Capitol last week
          • Travis OneRoad “Who will find peace with the lands? The future of humankind lies waiting for those who will come to understand their lives and take up their responsibilities to all living things. Who will listen to the trees, the animals and birds, the voices of the places of the land? As the long forgotten peoples of the respective continents rise and begin to reclaim their ancient heritage, they will discover the meaning of the lands of their ancestors. That is when the invaders of the North American continent will finally discover that for this land, God is red.” –Vine Deloria, Jr.[15]
          • Anpetu Wi Kechi Ahanape I was glad to read these comments by my elders. Great knoweledge and insight on our history. Now, what would be beautiful is to see you men sit down, discuss it and have someone document it. Why not? Books or just data collected and written down to be shared. Referencing and so forth to verify what was told and known in the world. Nothing is accurate, but its filling in the uninformed and enlightening them.
          • Grady Renville If i was on the swo tribal council one of my high priorities would be to "stiff" Shakopee, in oher words, forget what we owe them, consider it reparations for getting us kicked out of mni sota. So, what court we going to litigate this in, their tribal court or our tribal court. No doubt the Imposters would want in federal or even state court, so all the talk of soveriegnty is just rhetorical bullshit. In their letter to banish me they state: they are a sovereign governmental entity, BUT, if I show up down there they will invoke MINNESOTA TRESPASSING LAWS, and call the PRIOR LAKE POLICE. As my fav cuz likes to say, they make my ass laugh.......
          • Grady Renville Anpetu - that is the purpose of my blog, i'm not done with it, i eventually want to put various historicl documents on it....I haven't figured the techie side of developing a blog but am working on it...
          • Dave Flute You hit on a point I was trying to make awhile back....and this is true, our dakota people were always here on this makoce....this reservation wasn't just a big old open piece of territory, we were always here.....ask the Northern Dakota....(they don't like being called canada dakota), our dakota people were always here it was called the buffalo territory, this was lonnnnnng before whiteman called it Dakota Territory. wayyyyy before any whiteman set foot here, and that's the furthest back I was allowed to know. I do know that our entire, Sioux Nation, we had a form of govt called the O'ceti sakowin, the 7 council fires, this was our foundation to alllll the sioux, each band had it's place in camp, each headsman sat in specific places within the main cheif tipi, each had responsiblities/duties, I believe the reason our Dakota people ventured west to be with our Lakota sister tribes, is because of the respect of the O'ceti Sakowin, they knew that Dakota would be coming, and welcomed them. Not many Lakota these days will acknowledge that Inkpa Duta and his Dakota warriors, fought off teh first attack, also, it has been told for generations, that it was one of his twin sons that was seen riding custers horse, which in our culture means he is the one that killed custer, captured his horse. But here is the thing, when the shit got tough for them, they organized, they tried smoking the sacred pipe with these people. We believe, I believe that when you put that pipe together and you load it and pray and smoke it, you are bound to God by commitment, that in all what you are about to talk about is true, however, back then our dakota didn't understand that wasicus didn't believe in truth, like tammy said, they had other agendas for us than to truely give us what we thoguht was going to be. And so, here we are today, because of the HISTORY that they made, we are able to enjoy, share, debate, and hopefully come together within the next couple weeks, and start combating our problems.
          • Travis OneRoad I was that sovereignty those etanchas had but now the council and execs hold. They don't even know how to use it. I want a section 17 corporation and exercise some of my Econ development cause we have seen how this has worked past 150 yrs haven't we?
          • Grady Renville As i said im not into the romantic, idealized history. As an example why do you think were was 7 council fires? Instead of one council fires. Part of the reason was to logically split up the hunting grounds. The other reasons are the same reasons we dont get along with each other today. Family feuds, petty arguments, wife stealing, vanity, nawizi, some ndns were more ambitious, some were lazy So some families packed up and moved away.
            When the white man came his presence only exascerbated the problem, new relegion that some ndns embraced, some seen the inevitable, some took up farming, much to the chagrin of other ndns.
            Also in my opinion ikpa duta was no hero, by most accounts he was a modern day dave redthunder, gerald german.
            Ya i know this is tough stuff to digest but that is how this one ex-swo interprets our history.
            And, the gabriel and joe brown trader relationship confounds me. Gabriel got some of the treaty money that was allocated. Why i dont know exactly.
            Probably like some of the lake traverse econ dev committee members, simply because it was there to be taken.
            Yes like i said, lay it all out there, the good bad and ugly.
            Digest it, let it go, move on to a better day....

          • Martha Renville I thought that Gabriel had to do what was best for the people as a whole not what was best for just his family and koda's? been reading the discussion, someone should sponsor a symposuim here so that all the Sisseton or Wahpeton know their history, who came from where, etc and if the people knoew that Shakopee people are on our land and a bunch of honky mexican impostors would they like that, think not, but council or tribal government do'nt ask the opionion of the oyate/icke wicaste
            Grady Renville the tribal council just allocated $48,850 for a "border bull bash" Does anyone beside the ten council know what a border bull bash is?
          • Grady Renville Anyways, i suggest that money could have been used to have a symposium at fort snelling around Augst 17, the day the war of 1862 started, discussions, a walk, ride, walk. The dumbass tribal council now spends money to honor the 38 who killed 490 white people that got ust kicked out of mni sota. And, my favorite a moccasin tourney, also speakers, singing, story telling, and I think a prayer service Christian and Traditional to ask the Creator to forgive us, forgive those who murdered the 490 white people, it is my belief that this act, which some modern day sisseton an wahpeton glamorize greatly grieved the Great Spirit. In the Christian belief the unrepented sins of the father shall follow their ancestors for several generation. Maybe thats why the Sisseton and Wahpeton have suffered so much for the past 150 years. If you wonder where some of my thought have come from I have been down below fort snelling many times to sit and reflect. Granted I did not see or hear anything but maybe this what I am to do. It is a time to heal.....
          • Richard Tall Bear I like the scout that killed Crazy Horse. And the black guy that killed Malcolm x. And the Indian that killed ghandi.
          • Richard Tall Bear Get the colonized to become the colonizer ain't nothing new. Ask the afghan and Iraqi.
          • Colleen LaBelle Grady, I never really met anyone that felt the same way as I do about the Uprising. From what I know, Akipa (from who I come from), didn't agree with it and chose not to get involved. It was told to me that after it was all said and done and they were imprisoned, people came to him and wished they would have listened to him and not fought. After all I've read, I cannot imagine what it must have been like for those who were innocent and got swept up - rounded up and taken to Ft. Snelling even though they had no involvement. And yes, I think the Scout History is important. I don't think there was much choice. They had no land to live off of, no buffalo to hunt... banished from their own homeland... so the only thing left was to work for the government. And I'm sure they felt differently... probably made them hate themselves... but they had little ones and family to feed. It's true, being Indian isn't easy.
          • Grady Renville I havent thought of it this way, but your comment make me think about a medal i was awarded. The usmc presidential unit citation. They didnt give this to us becuz we were some boys scouts fighting for people we know or even carried about. But, i volunteered never giving one thought that maybe we/i shouldnt be there. When i first came home i was mad at the anti-war demonstrators. After many years i begrudging had to admit they were right. A hard pill to swallow after you lose your own brother and 58,000 others.
            I think that alot of modern day ndns dont know there history so they glamorize it, twist it to fit there own narrow minded knowledge. As an example honoring the 38 hung and forgetting the 1,600 incarcerated at ft snelling.

          • Dave Flute I've come to find we all share a common goal, regardless if we don't agree on past history, for one, including myself, and the rest of you, we weren't there, we didn't live in the past, so other than the differences in who knows what history, how much, only our speculation of what happened.....I've come to realize we are all looking for answers, we are looking for that peace of mind, rightousness, freedom, someone to reinforce our interpertations of the past. But lets put allllllll this aside for a minute, and lets get down with making our own history, good, positive history, so 100 or 150 years from now, regardless what planet or world our future generations are living on, they will know their ancestors just like their ancestors, did something about corruption, and abuse of our Dakota way of life....aho
          • Grady Renville I can think of several ways that i do to improve our ndn community.

            I quit drinking.
            I get along with our white neighbors, not the sycohant kind of getting along.
            I did my best to raise my kids without them being in trouble.
            I was a home owner, and tried to keep my humble abode clean and orderly.
            I did not depend on the tribe for my livilhood.
            I have a business specifically for ndns.
            I am one of the tribes biggest critic.
            I try my best to walk my talk.

            We dont all have To be elected leaders to positively impact our ndn community. We all can contribute
            In many small and large ways.

          • Dave Flute Here is something else....(if I can use your saying Grady?) "put this in your pipe and smoke it:" we all know council cashed in their leave hours right? and they told us they did last night....all 10 of robert told us he was going to DC.....just today, I heard Jerome, Bubba, and couple others were going to Vegas....WTF!!!!!!! now that really got me steaming.........baaaaaaaad!!!!!! someone find out if this is true....if they did go who all went?
          • Grady Renville I know jerome was one. Economic development conference. If i continue to criticize the tribal council it would not surprise me that who ever goes to this economic deveopment would be the first one to throw me out of the post office bldg.
            By the way francis on sylvana's post sounds like he didnt get the annual leave payout.
            I still want to know why they cash in in february.

          • Dave Flute sylvana's out of wack.....I asked Francis myself....nobody esle was going to ask him....this is exactly what was said: Dave F: Francis you cash in your annual leave? little pause francis: I DID! Dave F: why? Francis WHY NOT?........lmmmfao.....and then we exchanged some words, I told him this is why not, you ain't entitled to it, you didn't earn it, and most of all we have unsika people that could have used it....we could have purchased a couple homes for homeless families, food, lots of reasons why not to cash it in....but all that did was stir the pot....i knew it was useless.....but they all did.....and I asked if they went ot vegas because then it makes sense that they cashed it in so early.....usually it's like clock work, either it's during the 4th or it's at end of year, just before xmas.....go back and look at i figure, hell, if we going to VEGAS, holy shit!!! lets cash in that leave hours and go have gooooooood time....not only that, our trip will be paid for....more money for me to piss away at slots......who knows......i'm fkn pissed!!!!
          • Grady Renville Good one dave, now it makes sense....

            Donna D Dub Williams And prior to this, "roles" were inherited, earned or proven..."Not appointed, and certainly not a given based upon a popular vote.
          • Grady Renville

            I dont know about that donna? The way some ndns interpret chieftainship they remind me of the english monarchs.
            Sometime people just packed up and left the main body and a leader was choosen. And over time or once he proved himself he was ...given the title chief.
            I dont know how many times i heard chief gabriel wasnt a real chief, the govt appointed him. He served as head or chief spokesman for the s&w for nearly 27 years, he must have did something right, and if the oyate would have listened to him, they would have never lost 2/3rds of the rez.
            Unless your absolutely sure be care in your interpretation of our history, your ancestor may have been a scout or one of the 209 who gave away over 600,000 acres.
            Thats all i'm saying in my posts, know your history, not some romantic idealized version.
            Ironically gabriels son moses was one who signed. I dont know why.
            I never knew that until i began to learn my history, the good bad ugly.
            See More

          • it is what it I told couple my tahansis today, history to me is like this, if you don't know where you come from, who you are, and where you want to go in life, then it don't matter....history to me tells me what happened, as I before, you can read all the paper you want, how can you believe paper when all white man did with it was wipe his ass....hiye, paper to me creates as grady says, a romantic idealized version, if people can say oral history gets watered down worse than paper history, then I say you have to agree paper history too has been to watered down with books, manuscripts, different although we might have differences about who of us, today, anpetug de, can say we were there???? not one of us, we only know what we've read, heard, and I respect you, all of you for knowing what you know about history, but lets make our own history together.....just like when alllllll these bands came together at the greasy battle of little big horn......according to the accounts it was the one of the largest camps in tona assumption it was a gathering of the oceti sakowin, and what was left of it......that's my speculation....why would it have been so huge otherwise, it wasn't a hunting party we all know that..they all knew where to come together.....maybe some clans were hunting but the purpose of the huge gathering was more than what the paperbacks say, and why the revelation to grandp tatanka iyotaka? .....grady you should go to canada....seriously, go up there, they will take you in well, honestly, they won't kick you out....they wont'....and they will tell you soooooooo much your head will spin they don't look at paper and recite out of a book what they read.....they will tell you what their grandfathers told them that their grandfatehrs told them taht their grandfathers told them.....i will come up and interpert for you....i'm just a half breed but i know my dakota language enough to ieyeska for can't just keep thinking that what you found in papers and such is the way it was...if you a real indian Grady my koda, then you have to accept oral history too.See More

          • don't get me wrong Grady.....when i started seeing you at pow wows and moccasin games and such...i knew you was indian....i'm just expressing some emotion...tha's all...i'm still pissed over this council stuff.....just never ends.....i got ...pretty choked up grady when i seen what i seen last night at district meeting.....i couldn't believe it....makes me still feel sick...really really does....i didn't mean to chastise my vet brother.....i looked up to you vietnam vets...thats why i did what i did ....and ed williams got mad at me for wanting to go to war.....but i did, i wanted to be like you guys....and today i got more than i could fkd me up.....but i know what this world holds....i seen it's horrors, honestly, and i get so worried for my kids, your grandkids, everyones kids that i know of, and ones i don't really know....i get worried because i can honestly see us becomeing a people we do not want to be.....aho, unsimadahwo kodaSee More

          • Grady Renville

            Oral history is unreliable. I wont bet an honest debate or argument on it.
            As for canadians the ones i know from playing moccasin, their nice guys like most dakota, but quite frankly the discussions i had with them they offered up the same... idealized bullshit version.
            Iike we/i said we need a good honest discussion on our history, but they would never invite me, because I'd be the asshole to challenge their narrow minded limited knowledge of our history.
            Just cuz your old doesnt mean you know history. Say your talking to an 80 year old, so that means be was born in 1932. 60 years after the 1862 war. Im 69 i go back to 1943, i dont know everything that historically went on in the 40's, 50's, even tho' lived those times.
            You got to read more, study more Dave, but your still my koda...

        A judge in Colorado has reportedly issued an amended opinion in a tribal payday loan case

        Judge Morris B. Hoffman acknowledged that 99 percent of the profits from payday loan businesses operated by the Miami Nation and the Santee Sioux Tribe initially went to Scott Tucker, a non-Indian. But he said a 2008 agreement put the tribes in control, and now Tucker is considered an employee of the businesses in question.

        The amended decision still affirms the sovereign immunity of both tribes. Colorado Attorney General John Suthers tried to seek information from the tribes and hold their officials in contempt of court. ( - Feb 28, 2012)


        A white guy running the operation and he get most of the profit, using tribal sovereignty. Meanwhile over in oyateland the swo tribal council actually called the south dakota state banking commission on my payday lending business because it was on sisseton main street. The jackwagons by doing this threw, repeat, threw the tribes sovereignty at the State, then they go around and pretend their this big sovereign nation. Too boot, they all took the Oath of Office to "Promote and Protect" tribal members (I was a member at that time). I know some of them are your relatives, friends, etc, but heres there names - smokey german, jc crawford,scott german, myron williams, barb jens, mike peters, big nick, ron dumarce, kevin roberts, karen white. So, if you wonder why I continually rag on the tribe this is one of the reasons and if you get tried of me, theres a little button on the righthand corner of this page and you can delete me. Because I don't want anyone to forget how bad some swo Indians can be once they get into a leadership position, and if they can do it to me they can do it to you....
         David Farmer Grant, Nettie Crawford, Feather Smith-Archambault and 2 others like this.